Human Resources

Within the HR division, you will have the opportunity to take care of the personal and professional development of our associates. You will be handling the selection processes, training, and communication with our partners to connect our associates with the world of work. We engage in cross-functional communication across our organization and with our partners to ensure an efficient and healthy working environment. Help improve organizational wellness as well as guide the association to achieve our goals. By working with us, you will develop listening and problem-solving skills. You will have the opportunity to expand your network both inside and outside the association. Finally, you will have a voice and the possibility to develop your ideas within our team.

  • Lorenza Pizzocri, Head of Human Resources at Cuora Consulting

    Lorena Pizzocri


  • Benedetta Pulga, Coordinator of Human Resources at Cuora Consulting

    Benedetta Pulga


  • Letizia Picione, Coordinator of Human Resources at Cuora Consulting

    Letizia Picione


  • Amalia Fumagalli, Coordinator of Human Resources at Cuora Consulting

    Amalia Fumagalli


  • Andrea Bianchini, Member of Human Resources at Cuora Consulting

    Andrea Bianchini


  • Aron Vidman, Member of Human Resources at Cuora Consulting

    Aron Vidman


  • Iren Arslaner, Member of Human Resources at Cuora Consulting

    Irem Arslaner


  • Malina Diaconescu, Member of Human Resources at Cuora Consulting

    Malina Diaconescu


  • Lucia Impicciatore, Member of Human Resources at Cuora Consulting

    Lucia Impicciatore


  • Mustafa Kemal Abkulut, Member of Human Resources at Cuora Consulting

    Mustafa Kemal Abkulut


  • Yu-Tung Hsiao, Member of Human Resources at Cuora Consulting

    Yu-Tung Hsiao
